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GalleriBlikk is an online gallery where I present my paintings and photographs. My paintings are mostly in acrylic, the photos mostly in black and white.
eva dølvik
Get in touch if you are interested in something from the online gallery.

About me
Patterns from rocks and mountains inspire me. I often use my own nature photographs from my home surroundings to influence my paintings which normally are painted with many layers and a pallet knife to give a rough image. Charcoal and black lines often symbolise borders we meet or make in relations to most things in live. How we connect is an underlying theme in most of my paintings which vary from quite big abstract paintings to more simplified semi-abstract landscapes and portraits.
Kunsthøjskolen in Holbæk (Denmark):
Rasmus Styrmer (abstract painting), summer 2023
Jesper Palm (akrylic painting), summer 2022
Søren Martinsen (painting), summer 2020
Trine Boesen (painting), summer 2019
Thomas Friisholm (painting), summers 2017 and 2018
Pierre Beskow (painting), summer 2016
Niels Bonde (collage og painting), summer 2015
Jesper Palm (acrylic paiting), summers 2013 og 2014
Henriette Sonne (Drøbak):
Spring - and autum semesters 2012-2016 (acrylic, portrait and drawing)
Maison des Arts, Saint-Jeannet (France):
Mitch Waite (painting), March 2008
Annual exhibitions arranged by the Art Assosiations in Drøbak, Nesodden, Son and Ås.
Progbotn 2022 - Monument Alley, Kolben kulturhus, Kolbotn
Kunst i Follo 2022, Kolben kulturhus, Kolbotn
Kunst i Follo 2022, Introsenteret, Nesodden
NFUK (Norwegian Assosiation for Independent Artists) annual exhibition 2021, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium
Kunst i Follo (Art in Follo) 2021, Søndre Brekke gård, Ås
NFUKs (Norwegian Assosiation for Independent Artists) digital annual exhibition 2020.
Årlige elevutstillinger hos Galleri Sonne (Drøbak og Ås) 2012-2016 og Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk (Danmark) 2013-2023.
NesoddHuset Galleri og Verkstedutsalg, "Artist of the month", mars 2016.
Hølen kunst og bokcafe, "Artist of the month", februar 2016.
As part of the art club "Magentas" at Oscarsborg, Avistegnernes Hus/Drøbak, summer 2015.
Drøbak Kunstforening (Drøbak Art Assosiation)
Ås Kunstforening (Ås Art Assosiation)
Nesodden Kunstforening (Nesodden Art Assosiation)
Ski Kunstforening (Ski Art Assosiation)
NFUK (Norwegian Assosiation for Independent Artists)

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